Monday, October 3, 2005


On the staircase of sephiroths in the imagery of life, i heard him mumble, felt him tremble. To amaze my amazement, he gave me an eye. It was such a tricky situtauon, believe me-- to be eyed upon by the man who knew it all.
I stumbled a little, confused as I was, asked his confusion. And he held my hand and asked, 'Eli what took you so long?'.
Its been quite sometime, quitesometime, quietsome time, that I am the man now, who knows it all. Waiting for the next one on the stair below.


Majaz said...

Someday.. I shall know my way around the windmills in the Mine City.

Someday.. I'll know what this means.. lol ...

But something tells me.. the man waiting is a lot like the man you are now...

His hair at least anyway, insha'Allah...


Majaz said...

And I so have a one-track mind.

I apologize again for distrupting the meaning.

The demerits of being obssessed with certain hair.