Tuesday, October 11, 2005

I promised her chocolates last Eid. She was angry whay i dont come to see her. She was 15, the only younger sister i ever had.
I wasn't there even when they buried her. The quake had her.
Mishi, I am sorry. I had been such a bad brother.
Forgive me.
I'll not call this Eid like it had become a tradition: I was always the first one who called. You were always the one who piched up and said'Eid Mubarak Badar bhai', and i always asked'What if it wasn't me?' . And you always said 'Its always you Badar Bhai'.
Mishi I love you, I am coming to see where you lay now. And I am crying.
Forgive me.


Zunaster said...

God bless her.

just muttering said...

sorry ...

may she rest in peace

Barooq said...

@ Arian
He would have to, He is supposedly Just...
@Just Muttering
Thank you; I did need a hug.

Chrysalis said...

mishi.. so you would understand.. though i think maybe i wont as much. i am so sorry..