Sunday, October 2, 2005


All satans will be laughing their hearts out in hell, Beelzebub stole the crowned goddess.
Hell-elujah... Hell-elujah...
This voracious beat of drums, this tempestuous Fandango.
Hell-elujah... Hell-elujah...
Every one hums along. (Finally in hell) its the party time.
Hell-elujah... Hell-elujah...
Dont mind cherubim's scrambling feet, its just so irresistible today.
Hell-elujah... Hell-elujah...
Yeah only the Devil knows how to play
Hell-elujah... Hell-elujah...


Majaz said...

Hallelujah ....

I am smiling.

Phitaymaun said...

hey man, thnx for dropping by.
I had no idea about Ishtiaque Ahmed's maulvi-ness. I guess i quit reading before that ever came to pass.
U may be right abt the chaku in mehmood's shoe though, am hazy on the details.

on a different note, your blog title shud be goodshit.
The way your mind works, or seems to work from what you choose to write, is intriguing to say the least.
Was a pleasure reading through some of you stuff. A though provoking pleasure at that.
Mind if i add you to my links? I have a feeling you'd be worth checking back on frequently.